Monday, May 21, 2018

Top 5 Reasons Gun Control is DEAD! - Dana Loesch: MSM Hyping School Shootings Creates Copycats - Students Can’t Say Shooter Is “Evil” - Jim Carrey Attacks Women In Rant Against Second Amendment

Alex Jones presents video footage of Dana Loesch as she calls out the mainstream media for perpetuating school shootings by providing prime time publicity to the shooter and his actions.

Have we produced a generation that can’t call mass murder evil? Is the SCHOOL SYSTEM the problem?

Top 5 Reasons Gun Control is DEAD! - Dana Loesch: MSM Hyping School Shootings Creates Copycats - Students Can’t Say Shooter Is “Evil” - Jim Carrey Attacks Women In Rant Against Second Amendment


5 Points To Counter The NRA DEBUNKED - Penn & Teller Helps Gun Control Supporters Understand The 2nd Amendment: 

Debunking Gun Control Advocate Statistical Analysis - DAVID HOGG: The Unfiltered, Unpopular Truth! | Louder With Crowder: