Wednesday, April 18, 2018

His 15 Minutes Are Up - Rep. Devin Nunes on fallout from James Comey's interview - Dershowitz slams Comey for leaking memos of Trump discussions - Dan Bongino: Comey is an embarrassment to the FBI - Questionable cuts? Hume on ABC's editing of Comey interview - Gingrich: Comey has been shrinking with every interview

Chairman of the House Intelligence Committee joins 'Hannity' to discuss questions of alleged FBI misconduct.

Harvard Law professor Alan Dershowitz, slammed James Comey for leaking memos of his private discussions with President Trump.

Former FBI director compares President Trump to a 'mob boss' in interview. Former Secret Service agent sounds off. 

Fox News senior political analyst on portions left out of the aired portion of the fired FBI director's sit-down with George Stephanopoulos.

Former speaker of the House joins 'Hannity' to discuss the fallout from the fired FBI director's tell-all book and media tour.

His 15 Minutes Are Up - Rep. Devin Nunes on fallout from James Comey's interview - Dershowitz slams Comey for leaking memos of Trump discussions - Dan Bongino: Comey is an embarrassment to the FBI - Questionable cuts? Hume on ABC's editing of Comey interview - Gingrich: Comey has been shrinking with every interview