Friday, August 4, 2017

ALERT! Stop Mueller Witch Hunt Against Trump: Sign Urgent LaRouche PAC Peition Now!! - Sekulow: POTUS Not Thinking About Firing Mueller - Mueller Grand Jury is an attack on the American People & Democracy

Robert Mueller Launches Grand Jury Against Trump! URGENT ALERT!! : Declare American Independence Again!! President Trump Calls It A Witch Hunt!! Stop the Witch Hunt Against Trump Now Before Its Too Late!! Bob Mueller is the Hit Man for the British Empire Coup Against Trump and the United States!! Support the fight. If we don't stop Mueller Now, we will end being destroyed as a nation!! 1-Watch LaRouche PAC Video Here- Robert Mueller, Creep of the Week 2- Sign Urgent LaRouche PAC Petition Suck it Up and Move On, Its Time to Rebuild the County- Sign here URGENT !! URGENT!! Like and Share!!

100% Proof! Russian Collusion was a Hoax Designed to Impeach Trump and Divert Attention from Internal Email Leak & Clinton Criminal Activities: 

Former FBI Agent: Exposes Comey and Mueller - Deep state agent Robert Mueller is on the case "once again": 

Mueller / Comey / Holder helped cover-up pedophile island / Gave Epstein sweetheart deal - Shot Congressman Was Trying to Expose Pedophilia, Discussed in Podesta Emails: