Tuesday, February 28, 2017

PROOF: After blacklisting Natural News, Google takes NO such action against HuffPo, BuzzFeed, Forbes and CNN for writers selling outbound links in violation of webmaster guidelines

The blatant, outrageous censorship of the entire NaturalNews.com website (root domain and subdomains) from Google has the internet in an uproar. Already, nearly 40,000 people have signed this White House petition to halt Google’s suppression of free speech. (We need 100K signatures, keep signing and sharing!)

Even the SEO community is in an uproar, as numerous SEO experts have exhaustively analyzed NaturalNews.com source code, backlinks, domain authority, content and more… and nobody can find any legitimate reason why Google would ban the Natural News site.

As we’ve already reported, Google is now citing an obscure rule against competing third party advertising which was placed onto a grand total of 13 old blog pages (from 2013 – 2014) under the blogs subdomain by an individual blogger. This ad code was put there by the blogger because Google banned Adsense from the blogs.naturalnews.com subdomain. Google then used the appearance of competing ad code on those 13 old pages as a twisted justification to ban the entire root domain of NaturalNews.com from its search index.

And yet it was all a farce. A Natural News investigation found the exact same “offending” third party ad code on a blog running on the Google-owned Blogspot.com network. Yet, predictably, Google has not blacklisted the entire Blogpost.com domain from its search results.

It’s now becoming obvious to everyone — including SEO experts and even critics of Natural News content who are now defending our right to engage in public debate — that Google was scouring the Natural News website and all its domains to look for an excuse to blacklist the entire site.

This is further evidenced by the fact that the “offending” third party code was entirely removed from those offending blog pages more than 24 hours ago, yet Google has not lifted the ban even though they promised to.

As one SEO analyst stated about Google’s practices in a Google forums thread, “You destroy businesses, people, families, and you don’t care. This is pure Evil and monopoly, nothing else.”

Google openly allows outbound links violations in HuffPo, BuzzFeed, Forbes, CNN and more

Now, in yet more astonishing news about Google’s brazen dishonesty and unfair, monopolistic practices, we’ve found that outbound links (OBL) are being sold on the open market by writers who are collecting many to place those links on sites like Huffington Post, BuzzFeed, Mashable, Forbes, CNN and many more. (See screen shots and links below.)

According to Google, this practice is a violation of webmaster guidelines, yet Google would never even dream of taking those websites completely offline.

It’s clear that Google is exerting its monopoly power to silence Natural News through selective enforcement while ignoring clear violations of webmaster guidelines that exist across many other popular sites which are “exempt” from Google’s rules.

This sort of selective enforcement and human-decided censorship is precisely the definition of tyranny on the ‘net. By invoking this “evil” power against Natural News, Google has now demonstrated to the entire world that it is unjust, unfair and clearly biased against Natural News for political reasons.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather blog, March 1st, 2017.]